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Download Yodot RAR Repair 1.0 Serial Key Generator Free. Gift Yodot Recovery Software Keygen Maker – torszaghotsmi.At the outset, let us recall and recite what is indisputable: Victory on the battlefield, defeat at the ballot box, and domination of the government are not panacea for all that ails our country. If they were, we would be spared the inordinate controversy that the current President has engendered, the latter sometimes following the former two.
Arguably, we have always made a fetish of the former two, with some rare exceptions. In 1892, McKinley won the presidency by defeating a weak opponent at the polls, but only after what was essentially a bloody civil war had been waged against him. In 1916, Wilson secured the office of the presidency in a presidential election he barely won, against a flabby opponent. In 1932, Hoover returned to the White House with no electoral margin in the popular vote, but scored a decisive win in the Electoral College.
We were reminded of the accomplishments of the past two weeks when the Democratic Party operative, Douglas Lute, bragged about President Obama’s victory in securing the NATO presidency for his country. To this we replied: “Yes, you mean Mitt Romney did not win the White House.”
In fact, the bien pensant punditry of the national media of late had anointed Romney as the clear winner of the 2012 presidential election. But the truth is that the Democrats had a more than solid victory. The election would have been theirs under any circumstances, including the fact that the polls seemed to be trending in their favor throughout the November canvass.
If Barack Obama were merely a President who won the popular vote at least twice, he would have a stellar record. But President Obama is much more than a mere President; he has been a formidable chief executive – so formidable he allows himself to be overconfident, which in turn gives rise to the minatory tweet, the admonitory phone call, and the unctuous invasion of the social media. We have one of these in regard to the election, in the person of Mr. Obama’s caddish, condescending, and condescendingly imperialistic Secret Service detail.
In the domestic sphere, the man has amassed enough executive orders to