Fundamentals Of Metal Casting Technology P C Mukherjee
Restorative dentistry utilizes high security biomechanical fixtures for retention and restoration of missing teeth [234]. The root canal treatment of tooth is perhaps the single most complicated and time consuming procedure performed on dentists. The conventional model of a healthy root canal system should be replaced by utilizing ever more innovative technologies and treatment modalities. Polylactide (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer [235], which is a linear aliphatic polyester, that has been approved by the FDA as a biocompatible and biodegradable material for a variety of medical devices, including bone implants owing to the biocompatibility of the material. PLA can chemically bond to mineralized tissues. For more than a decade, the morbidly obese population has been confronted by a debilitating medical condition.
Due to its unique physico-chemical characteristics, PLA can be used for various types of implantable medical devices — such as surgical mesh for hernia repair, cardiovascular grafts, intrauterine devices, aortic stents, and drug delivery devices. Additionally, PLA is synthesized from polyhydroxyalkanoates, inexpensive and easily available monomers. PLA is also often used for manufacturing electrical and electronic devices because of its low dielectric constant. The original idea behind PLA is that it can be processed using a standard technique such as injection, extrusion or compression molding and from porous or fibrous polymeric matrix [236,237]. Impact strength and immune response of PLA can be improved by crosslinking [238], grafting [239], microparticles [240], surface modifications [241] and nanofibers [242]. PLA is also a promising biomaterial for bone tissue engineering [243] and for spine implants [244] because of its high strength, recyclability and biodegradability. Furthermore, PLA is one of the most promising biodegradable materials that could be used in tape wound dressings [245].
Despite the increasing interest in biomedical and dental applications of PLA, the literature is consistent in reporting that the mechanical properties of PLA are poor for use in orthopedics or maxillofacial soviet studies [246].